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جاري تحميل ... ألف ياء

إعلان الرئيسية


إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد علَّم نفسك ما هو الف


Jun Valerio Bernardo


A frameless spectacle of nameless word turning into a spectrum of delight.

An offspring of the senses enveloped by imaginative sounds and sight.

Captures an image that hails from cosmic arena of plethora of faces

Wings enthroned to soar across the horizon

of aesthetic reason and senses.

Ecstatic to reach the highest decibel of soothing symphony of echoes

A gallery of art creation defines aesthetic soul at liberty like beams of rainbows.

House of being garbed of undefined will to traverse a canvas of allurement.

Eliciting rhapsodic emotions in dangling rendezvous of contentment.

Beyond the universe of the senses unlocks

the threshold of aesthetic reason.

An articulation of the mind entwining the why

of beauty and attraction.

©Jun Valerio Bernardo

Philippines, 4/8/24

Ctto: Photo




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إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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