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فريق ألفا تيم - مارس 19 2025

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فريق ألفا تيم - مارس 19 2025

يا ويلتنا عجزنا أن نكون مثل الكاتبة الأديبة (مونيكا زاك)

فريق ألفا تيم - مارس 19 2025
جاري تحميل ... ألف ياء

إعلان الرئيسية



إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد علَّم نفسك ما هو الفرق بين


Darren Scanlon


If you see a distant star

in the evening sky

and you shiver from the chill night air,

yet you feel a warmth

in the depth of your heart,

then you know that I am still there.


When your tears have dried

and the bed has grown cold,

you're feeling lost and adrift,

when the days feel empty

and the nights far too long,

just remember, I gave you a gift.


A lifetime of memories

below a rainbow of love,

hearts like spring rain

as they fall from above.

To cover the ground

around your sweet feet,

a carpet of love;

every one, a heartbeat.


For I promised you once,

long ago,

far away,

I would always be there,

never falter,

never stray.


To my vow I hold firm

and we never shall part,

for I live deep within

every beat of your heart.





Written by Darren Scanlon, October 2013.

Revised 13th July 2015.

© 2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved



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