Kenneth Maswabi
It's not easy
We are all traumatized by our interaction with the mutilated substance of life
We hide hideous scars in the
furrows of our mental framework
We are fragmented and
scattered all across the world
It's not easy to be a Poet
during the hour of turbulence
The flood of negative energy
is unbearable
Like a million stab wounds,
we are pierced by the atrocious acts of Man
Poets are not supposed to be
insulated from the harsh storms of life
It's our duty to enter the
colosseum and bear witness to the barbaric ways of our fellow human beings
Poets are journalists in this
journey of life
Capturing the human story as
it unfolds
Scribbling down every little
detail in our journal of life
Yes, Poets have super
sensitive extra-senses
Able to discern the subtle
changes in the flow of negative and positive energies
Like circuits, poets are
charged by the flow of unseen vibrations
Not electromagnetic in nature
but spiritual streams of both sorrow and joy
Poetry is the art of
interpreting mysterious sensations/signals inside the substance our being
And letting the world know
the tempo and temperature of the inner world
Like sacrificial lambs, poets
are courageous men and women on the altar of life
Their mission is to reveal
the nature of existence
And unveil the path of peace,
hope, happiness and Love
Poets are the guardians of
humanity, listen to them more attentively
And your world will be filled
with joy
©Kenneth Maswabi
11 - 02 -
Photo credit to the owner
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