جاري تحميل ... ألف ياء

إعلان الرئيسية



إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد علَّم نفسك


Maria Dulce Leitao Reis


When someone asks you: - How are you?

Your thoughts travel quickly

all the secrets of your being

and presents at a glance a very eloquent map;

sad, down, tearful, tired, hurt,

distressed, apprehensive, nervous.

However, you respond: - I'm fine, and you?

I could

and shouldn't I have responded sadly?

It would be in agreement with my state,

So why did I lie?

Either way, it was a harmless lie.

Maybe to avoid explanations.

Maybe to avoid aggravating the suffering.

Maybe because I was too tired.

Maybe so as not to worry the other person.

Maybe to avoid hearing a know-it-all reprimand:

- I told you, you are to blame,

If it were me I would have done it like this

but you have a weak pulse.

What I think is that certain greetings,

they only serve to save appearances,

because there is no interest or concern.

When a person is not well,

there is always something that betrays it;

the look, the forced smile, the emotion in the voice,

the facial expression and body posture.

When there is interest or concern

we are more attentive and perceptive.

©️Maria D. Reis





إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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