اقرأ ايضاً

جاري تحميل ... ألف ياء

إعلان الرئيسية



إعلان في أعلي التدوينة

جديد علَّم نفسك ما هو ال


Kenneth Maswabi

On the corridors of life

Corridors are not meant for meetings

But some of the most important conversations

Are held on the corridors of life

Not because there are meaningless chatterings

But because on the corridors of life

Life takes on a different meaning

It is more relaxed and almost peaceful

On the corridors of life

Many people have encountered themselves

Undressed and naked of any acquired masks

Able to tell the truth without flinching

They found themselves unwrapped

Not covered by the many bye-laws of life

Not restricted by their so called "high status"

On the corridors of life


There are some characters who are full of ego

Drenched in delusions

They are unrepentant and totally delusional

Not giving a hoot about their big-headedness

Lost in their self-imposed artificial worlds

It is not a secret that life is an oven

Moulding us into different kinds of human beings

Some are agile and go-getters

Some are vulnerable and incapacitated

It takes a beautiful heart

To pause and reflect on these realities

It's on the corridors of life

Where we are all given an opportunity

To listen to the sufferings of others

To hear our inner voices

It's here, where are fed compassion and humility

Given a second chance

To redeem ourselves

To address each other with dignity

And undress the elephant in the room

It's under the veil of ignorance

Where we find comfort

But it's important to move away from our comfort zones

And be liberated from our mentally constructed penitentiaries

On the corridors of life

Life is not black and white

It is an infusion of colours, ideas and aromas

Take a moment to smell the coffee

©Kenneth Maswabi




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إعلان في أسفل التدوينة

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