عاجل إطلاق برنامج Bio-iChallenge لدعم الابتكار وتقديم الحلول بدعم مالي يصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه
عاجل إطلاق برنامج Bio-iChallenge لدعم الابتكار وتقديم الحلول بدعم مالي يصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه
عاجل إطلاق برنامج Bio-iChallenge لدعم الابتكار وتقديم الحلول بدعم مالي يصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه
أعلن صندوق رعاية المبتكرين والنوابغ عن إطلاق برنامج Bio-iChallenge لدعم الابتكار وتقديم الحلول للتحديات التي
تواجه الصناعات المصرية، خاصة في مجالات الأغذية، والصحة، ومنتجات التجميل، والبيو
يحصل الطلاب المشاركون في البرنامج على المزايا التالية:
• دعم مالي يصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه من الصندوق.
• دعم فني وتقني وهندسي من متخصصين وخبراء من الشركات المشاركة حتى نهاية
• توفير مرافق ومعدات من الشركات المشاركة لتنفيذ المشروع بأفضل جودة.
• استخدام الإمكانيات العلمية والتقنية المتاحة في الجامعات ومراكز البحوث
• حافز مالي للمشرف الأكاديمي في حال نجاح الفريق في الوصول إلى حل للتحدي
• فرصة لتقديم ما وصلتم إليه في معرض سيقام خصيصًا لتكريم الفرق المشاركة،
والمشرفين الأكاديميين، وشركائنا الصناعيين.
لمزيد من المعلومات، قوموا بزيارة الرابط التالي:
Egyptian Industries looking
for pioneering solutions in cosmetics, food and beverages and biotechnology
Enhancing the students’
analytical skills, and developing their capabilities to tackle industrial
Enhancing the students’
research skills and orienting them toward answering a research question.
Encouraging the teamwork
spirit among students.
Encouraging the student to
develop their own work plan, including resources needed, financials and
expected outcomes with definite deadlines.
Creating new career paths to
STEM students
Boosting industry to invest
more in improving the education process as a part of its social corporate
Starting of long-term
collaboration between industry and educational institutes to improve research
and development.
Promoting the industry
partners as a sponsor to Egyptian universities innovation and research.
What to expect?
Teams that join any offered
challenge , will be granted up to 50000 EGP to cover any incurring cost.
Academic mentors (at least
PhD holders affiliated to an Egyptian University/ a research center) who works
with a team offering an accepted solution are awarded a monetary prize of 10000 EGP
Teams showing excellent
performance are offered summer internship or Job offers by our industrial
Timeline for the
Challenge announced 25-01-2024
Application deadline 25-02-2024
Results of
acceptance/rejection 29-02-2024
Challenges start 01-03-2024
Final submission 15-06-2024
Results announced 30-06-2024
Demo day and appreciation
event to be announced
Eligibility Criteria
Who is eligible for the
Participants must be students
registered with an Egyptian university.
Students in senior or
pre-senior year are only eligible.
Teams consist of 3 to 5 members,
with one as the team leader.
The team can
only apply to more than one challenge but can be selected only for one
A student
can only be a member of one team.
Completion and submission of
the application form are mandatory for participation.
Having faculty/staff advisors
(PhD holder in any Egyptian University or research center) is recommended, but
not a must.
Majors that can participate
includes Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical engineering, Agri-Science,
Science, computer science, material science, all medical disciplines, science
and education. All STEM fields are welcomed to apply.
Ethical standards must be
upheld in research and collaboration.
Each industrial partner have
a specific set of eligibility criteria posted in “Challenge prospectus”, Please
refer to the particular challenge you intend to choose for more guidelines
Each industrial partner has
set their own eligibility criteria based on the challenge nature, Kindly check
the challenge prospectus for the challenge you are applying for.
مع العلم إنه اخر موعد للتقديم يوم 25 فبراير 2024م