Kenneth Maswabi
The Poet's Voice
In the garden of romantic
The Poet's voice is a soft
hue of love
Whispering sweet things into
the ear of the beloved
Like soft music, amusing and
soothing to the soul
The Poet's voice is a
beautiful bedrock of love
In the streets of life
Where inequality, injustice
and poverty reigns supreme
The Poet's voice is full of
disgust, despair and disappointment
Watching the rat race at
play, survival of the fittest in display
The Poet's voice haunts the
corridors of power
Demanding equal
opportunities, justice and humanity
In the trenches of war
The Poet's voice rises above
the brutal acts of war
Giving a bird's eye view of
the atrocities below
Women and children caught in
the crossfire of sworn enemies
With bloodied faces and
shredded human flesh scattered all over the battlefield
The Poet's voice is shaken to
the core
With tears of despair, it
calls for common sense and humanity to emerge from the hardened heart of the
United Nations
Full of desperation, the
Poet's voice begs God to intervene on behalf of Mankind
The senseless and atrocious
acts of war stretches the Poet's conscience to the limit
The Poet's voice is not
fueled by religious dogma
Or the possibility of
financial gains
The Poet's voice is an
ancient sacred spiritual machinery
Advocating for goodness,
consciousness and awareness
Since the beginning of time,
the Poet's voice has shown humanity the way to the Truth
Illuminating the path in
times of joy and sorrow
Consistent and passionate,
the Poet's voice is an ever present voice of God
©Kenneth Maswabi
03 - 02 -
Photo credit to the owner
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