Kenneth Maswabi
The Principles of Spirituality
The Principles of
Like all natural processes
Spirituality is very well
Not by the rigid mechanics of
human laws
But by hidden forces of the
Spirit world
For example, forgiving
someone has lots of rewards. Why?
Because forgiveness is a
powerful source of positive energy, not only to you but to the whole of the
spiritual realm
Remember, the spirit world is
A ripple of negative energy
affects the entire surface of existence
It's crucial to understand
the Principles of Spirituality
In order to live a meaningful
and purposeful life
Don't judge yourself or your
neighbors unnecessarily
This principle takes into
account all comfounding factors and bias inherent to the human mind
It eliminates the possibility
of prejudice, injustice and atrocious acts based on false judgements
You reap what you sow
This is a beautiful principle
that encourages goodness and selflessness
It discourages wickedness and
It's through our individual
and collective acts that we are rewarded or punished
Faith, Hope and Love are at
the forefront of all the Principles of Spirituality
Unconditional Love is the
most potent of all these principles
Because it encompasses all
the virtues of a good heart
It is an envelope that
carries the most precious message or lesson to and from God
Unconditional Love is not
only a principle, it's also the essence of existence
It is the substance of
Spirituality or Being
The Tabernacle of Existence
Any spiritual practice
without unconditional Love is an open casket of wickedness
It has to be buried in the
abyss of darkness
Without the principles of
Spirituality, life is a turtoruous ordeal,
A hollow and meaningless
Be in Love and be the Love
©Kenneth Maswabi
16 - 01 - 2024
Photo credit to the owner
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